French Masculine and Feminine Nouns

French Masculine and Feminine Nouns The kind of inanimate names is arbitrary: it is not determined by either the meaning or the form. Therefore, there are rules for the determination of the gender of these names. They are of the male gender: - Names ending in -ier encrier-sucrier-tablier-sentier -age chômage (except page, image, plage, cage, nage, rage) -ment logement-moment-enlèvement -isme journalisme-dynamisme-capitalisme -oir-peignoir-soir espoir-miroir -et oeillet-bracelet-ticket-budget the names of trees, poirier-chêne-bouleau-magnolia-séquoia the names of metals and chemical bodies, cuivre-or-argent the names of languages, français-japonais-anglais-Russian the names of the days, months and seasons. dimanche-septembre-printemps-été They are of the female gender: names ending in -ade promenade-galopade-escapade -aie baie-raie-plaie-haie-monnaie -aille volaille-trouvaille-écaille -aine ...