
Showing posts from December, 2016

French Masculine and Feminine Nouns

French Masculine and Feminine Nouns The kind of inanimate names is arbitrary: it is not determined by either the meaning or the form. Therefore, there are rules for the determination of the gender of these names. They are of the male gender: - Names ending in -ier encrier-sucrier-tablier-sentier -age chômage (except page, image, plage, cage, nage, rage) -ment logement-moment-enlèvement -isme journalisme-dynamisme-capitalisme -oir-peignoir-soir espoir-miroir -et oeillet-bracelet-ticket-budget the names of trees,      poirier-chêne-bouleau-magnolia-séquoia the names of metals and chemical bodies, cuivre-or-argent the names of languages, français-japonais-anglais-Russian the names of the days, months and seasons. dimanche-septembre-printemps-été They are of the female gender: names ending in -ade         promenade-galopade-escapade -aie         baie-raie-plaie-haie-monnaie -aille volaille-trouvaille-écaille -aine          dizaine-douzaine-centaine -ison trahison-maison-cargaison -anc

Conjugation and pronunciation of the French verb 'être' Part1

Present the verb être Hi all, in this lesson we will begin to study the verbal conjugation in French , specifically the Present of the verb être , ie, the verb to be. To be                                être I am / I am                        je suis And you are / you are            Tu es He / she is / is Il /                   elle est Us / as we are / we are         Nous sommes You / as you are / you are Vous êtes They / as is / are Ils /          elles sont Pay special attention to the pronunciation of the verb être and tries to distinguish without looking at the text each verbal form. A good exercise for these cases is, after listening to several times the French pronunciation, try to write what you're listening. Here are some examples of this use of the verb être: English                         French I'm a woman                Je suis une femme You're tall               Tu es grand He is very ugly              Il est très Affront We're at home        

The date and time in French

The date and time in French It's time to learn the date and time in French . In this lesson course we learn basic French days of the week, months and time in French. The days of the week Les jours de la semaine Monday                                 Lundi Tuesday                             Mardi Wednesday                        Mercredi Thursday                                 Jeudi Friday                                vendredi Saturday                                 Samedi Sunday                              Dimanche The months of the year in French Months of the year Les mois de l'année January                         Janvier February                     février March                         Mars April                         Avril May                                 Mai June                           juin July                                 juillet August                       août September               septembre October                           oc

Articles in French

Articles in French In this lesson the basic French course you will see which are the articles in French . Like the Spanish, the articles in French are classified as definite articles (or certain items) and indefinite articles (or indefinite articles), although it is considered a third form, known as the partitive article. Article determined in French The definite article in French for the singular has 2 forms, one for the men: you , and one for women: the . Plural used them for both male and female for. Singular is sometimes used contraction l ' , when the name that accompanies the article begins with a vowel or hache. Here are some examples: The definite article      L 'article défini The boy                        Le garçon Home                         La maison The man                   L'homme Children                         Les enfants Women                         Les femmes The indefinite article in French For the indefinite article in French is used one