French Masculine and Feminine Nouns

French Masculine and Feminine Nouns
French Masculine and Feminine Nouns

The kind of inanimate names is arbitrary: it is not determined by either the meaning or the form. Therefore, there are rules for the determination of the gender of these names.
They are of the male gender:

- Names ending in
-ier encrier-sucrier-tablier-sentier
-age chômage (except page, image, plage, cage, nage, rage)
-ment logement-moment-enlèvement
-isme journalisme-dynamisme-capitalisme
-oir-peignoir-soir espoir-miroir
-et oeillet-bracelet-ticket-budget

the names of trees,

the names of metals and chemical bodies,

the names of languages,

the names of the days, months and seasons.

They are of the female gender:

names ending in
-ade         promenade-galopade-escapade
-aie         baie-raie-plaie-haie-monnaie
-aille volaille-trouvaille-écaille
-aine          dizaine-douzaine-centaine
-ison trahison-maison-cargaison
-ance constance-balance-chance-vacance
-ence expérience-exigeance (tranne silence)
-esse          richesse-caresse-vitesse-tristesse
-eur          chaleur-douleur-saveur (tranne honneur, labeur, bonheur, malheur e i nomi di congegni, moteur, régulateur)
-ille         famille-brindille-feuille-oreille
-ise           gourmandise-vantardise-banquise
-sion pression-admission-pension
-tion         révolution-négotiation-addition-action
-té         bonté-propreté-humanité-habileté
-ette         pâquerette-raquette-paillette
- science names. biologies-chimie-médecine (except droit)

Some names change depending on the genre.

la poste = Mail
la tour =Tower
la livre =pound 
la poêle = Pan
la vase = Mire
la mousse =Moss
l'aide = Help

Remark  the change of the article gender, its change the meaning 

le poste =  workplace
le tour = Toor
le livre = Book
le poêle = Stove
le vase = Vase
le mousse = Hub
l'aide = Assistant

Among the geographical names:

-The city names are masculine in common usage, but the literary language favors the feminine; in the absence of precise rule should use the expression "la ville de ...";
-the names of countries and regions are generally female when they end in -e or -es, male in other cases;
-the names of the islands are generally female.

Paris est traversée de parfums

la France - l'Italie - l'Allemagne - la Belgique
but: le Mexique - le Cambodge - the Bengale - the Brésil
the Corse - the Sardaigne - Martinique

The Gender of French Nouns 
French Noun Gender
Free French Noun Gender List
Noun genders in French
French Grammar – Gender
French genders, the masculine and feminine 
Deciding on the gender of a French noun
How to Know the Gender of French Nouns


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