Learn The French Greetings
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Learn The French Greetings |
French greetings help you with making friends, but also it will come in handy when you are out shopping. When going into French shops, as a formality, customers always greet the shopkeeper with a simple “hello” and always make sure to say “goodbye” when leaving.
Remember when to use the formal and informal expressions. Otherwise you might insult someone by being too friendly too quickly! In general, until you get to know someone well, stick with the formal expressions. It’s better to be too formal than to not be formal enough and accidentally insult someone.
Practice Basic French Greetings
French phrase Pronunciation English translation
Bonjour bohnjoor Good Morning
Parlez lentement. par-lay lehn-ta-mohn Please speak slowly.
Je ne comprends pas. zhuh nuh kohn-prahn pah I don't understand.
Merci mehr-see Thank you.
De rien. dah ree-ehn You' re welcome
Excusez-moi. ehk-kew-zay mwah Excuse me.
Je t'aime. zhuh-tehm I love you. (informal)
Je veux être avec toi. zheh-vooz ehtr ah-vehk-twah I want to be with you.
Comment allez-vous? kom-mohn tah-lay voo How are you? (formal )
Je suis de... zhuh swee duh I am from...
Je voudrais... zhuh voo-dreh I would like...
Salut! sah-loo Hi! / Bye! (informal)
Ça va? sah vah How are you? (informal)
Où est-ce que se trouve...? oo escuh suh troov Where is...?
Combien coûte-t-il? bee en coo teel How much does it cost?
S'il vous plaît see voo play Please.
Ne t'en fais pas. nuh tawn feh pah Don't worry. (informal)
Ne vous en faites pas. nuh voo zawn fett pah Don’t worry. (formal)
Non nohn No.
D'accord dah-core OK
Je ne comprends pas. jhuhn kom-prohn pah I don't understand.
Avez-vous... ah-way voo Do you have...
Parlez-vous anglais? pahr-lay voo ahn-leh Do you speak English?
Qu'est-ce que vous avez dit? kehs-kuh voo ah-vay dee What did you say?
Qu sont les toilettes? oo sahn lay twah-leht Where are the bathrooms?
Ce n'est pas grave. suh neh pah grahv No problem.
Je vais bien. zhuh vay bee-ahn I’m fine.
Allons-y! ah-lohn-zee Let’s go!
Tu parles anglais? tew parl on-glay Do you speak English?
Je ne sais pas. zheh-nuh say pah I don't know.
Au revoir. oh-reh-vwar Goodbye.
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