The Definite And Indefinite Articles in Arabic

The Definite And Indefinite Articles in Arabic
The Definite And Indefinite Articles in Arabic 

                                            The Definite Article in Arabic

                   A noun or adjective is made definite by prefixing (الـ) to it.
                     a.  an old house            بيتٌ قديمٌ
                     b. the old house           البيتُ قديمٌ


  The Feminine Marker

As in many other languages, any Arabic noun/adjective has to be either masculine or feminine. With few exceptions, the general rule is to suffix the Taa' MarbuTa (ـة/ة) to the masculine noun/adjective forms to derive the feminine ones. Examples are:

    nouns  استاذ/استاذة ،مراسل/مراسلة ، طالب/طالبة
adjectives  قديم/قديمة، جميل/جميلة  ،جديد/جديدة

However, you need to remember that the Taa' Marbuta (ـة/ة) is used in certain ancient Arabic male proper names such as:
طلحة، معاوية ، حمزة
    Also, it is used on some broken plural patterns such as:
 (giant ) عملاق/عمالقة (professor/s) استاذ/استاذة

All countries, towns, villages, etc. are treated as feminine. The exceptions to this rule are six Arab countries. These are:

الکويت, لُبنان , السودان , العراق , الأردُن , المغرب

The Indefinite in Arabic

As you might have noticed in the phrases in point #11 above, adjectives in Arabic usually follow nouns and agree with them in terms of number, gender, case, and definiteness/indefiniteness.
                     a. small book                   کتابٌ صغيرٌ

                     b. the small book          الکتابُ صغيرٌ

      If an adjective completely agrees with its noun in every aspect, then you have a phrase, as in examples (a) and (b) below. However, if a noun (subject) is definite and its adjective (predicate) is indefinite you have a sentence, as in (c).

                     (a) a new house                 بيتٌ جديدٌ

                     (b) the new house          البيتُ الجديدُ

                     (c) The house is newالبيتُ جديدٌ       


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